Tuesday, December 8, 2020

HEALTH and fitness : 10 Weight Loss Myths in 2021


10 Weight Loss Myths , Losing weight is linear


I’d like to welcome you back to my multi-part series about the 

And if you’re joining me for the first time and you missed the first 3 weight loss myths, I suggest you check them out first or after this article.

As a quick reminder, weight loss myth #1 was that “All Calories Are Equal” … Lie #2 was that “Carbs Make You Fat” and myth #3 was that “Diet foods help you lose weight

Most people get frustrated and give up prematurely when they don’t achieve their weight loss goals in a specific time frame because they think it happens progressively, week after week, month after month. Like a linear graph.

So they get on the scale daily or weekly expecting to always be losing weight. But, this doesn’t happen in the real world.

Some people have a “fast beginning” and you start losing a lot of weight at the beginning, it seems easy and effortless.

But then your body adapts and weight loss stops. You may even start to gain a little weight.

DON’T give up because if you keep doing all the right things, weight loss will start up again until you hit your next plateau

And some people have a slow beginning. Where it seems like there’s no progress at all the first few weeks. This is very frustrating. But then, all of a sudden you lose a big chunk of weight.

And then you’ll stop, maybe even gain some weight. Again, DON’T give up, continue doing all the right things and then your body will once again, release a few more pounds almost overnight.

So sometimes it’s like 2 steps forward, 1 step back… then 3 steps forward, 1 step back and then something goes wrong and it’s like only 1 step forward and 3-4 steps BACK.

Anyway, I’m sure you get the point.

It doesn’t matter how much weight you lose in a week. It matters how much weight you’ll lose in a month and ultimately, the end of the year.

And most importantly, what you KEEP off long-term. And the reason for all these ups and downs, are the changes in your hormones.

The “hormone” issue affects women a lot more because of their menstrual cycles and water weight and so forth.

But stress, change in sleep patterns, changes in the types of foods you eat… or you start to exercise and you gain MUSCLE weight, which also adds additional water weight.

Lots of variables when it comes to hormones because they can cause you to gain muscle or lose fat or hold water weight and so many other factors.

Just don’t give up. Keep doing all the right things. Stay focused.

Pay MORE attention to how you FEEL and LOOK, not at the silly scale.
Success with anything in life has to do patience and persistence… and executing correct, daily habits week after week, month after month, year after year.

It’s all about consistency. Metabolism & Losing Fat

Fastest & Easiest Solution For Increasing Your Metabolism & Losing Fat

So there are lots of ways for losing weight & "erasing" stubborn belly fat 
diet and exercise 
being the two important factors. 
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Monday, December 7, 2020




The Internet can be a good place to learn a thing or two about weight loss, and anything in general. 

There are hundreds and thousands of sources of information that you can refer to, and come up with the “best” strategy for your weight loss plan. 

The thing is, a lot of what you read on the internet isn’t actually true. Most of it is not going to work and in fact, can cause serious harm if you follow some of the unproven, unscientific advice offered on the internet. 

To make things easier for you, we’ve compiled a list of 12 biggest myths, misconceptions, and lies around the weight loss process. Without further ado, let’s jump right into it.



Most people believe that losing weight is a linear process, which is incorrect. You will lose weight on some days, and gain on other days.

 However, this shouldn’t make you worried. It is completely normal for the body to go through such fluctuations,

 even during your weight loss journey. For example, the food stays longer in your digestive system, or your body is carrying more water than usual.

This phenomenon is seen more in women, as the menstrual cycle affects the amount of water your body carries.

However, this isn’t something that you should worry about. As long as you’re losing weight over the long term, it is absolutely okay to see those fluctuations in the short-range.


Losing weight is a long-term process. And, the process isn’t ever a linear one, because your body tends to store food or water differently on different days, which fluctuates the weight over short periods.




Energy is measured in calories, which means that each calorie has the same amount of energy.

 However, it creates a misconception amongst people that they can eat anything as long as they are within their calorie target, which is wrong.

Just because every calorie is equal doesn’t mean it will have the same effect on your body, and consequently weight.

 Different foods have different effects and undergo different metabolic processes before being assimilated into your body. This in turn decides the hormone levels that affect your weight.

For instance, one calorie of carb isn’t quite the same as a calorie of protein.

Getting rid of carbs and unhealthy fats from your diet can significantly improve your metabolism, which in turn reduces your appetite and improves the performance of weight-regulating hormones.

Similarly, having calories from foods such as fruits is starkly different from the calories derived from processed foods, like candy.


Not all sources of food have the same effect on your body, just because they have the same number of calories. 

For example, a food source having protein will improve your metabolism, reduce hunger pangs, and overall improve the functions of your body weight regulating hormones.




Let’s be honest: the supplements industry is HUGE. Most companies, if not all, claim that their products are going to have “dramatic effects” on your body, but the truth of the matter is they’re hardly based on scientific research.

The single biggest reason why a supplement may actually turn out to be beneficial for some people is that it has a placebo effect on them.

 People usually fall into marketing traps, and since they buy the overpriced supplements, they tend to become conscious of their dietary habits in order to see some gains.

However, there are some supplements that offer some effect when it comes to weight loss.

And the best ones often help you lose weight over a long period, instead of claiming that they can get you shredded in just six weeks.


Most supplements you see on the market are not worth your time or money. The ones that do work aren’t that great either, and can only help a little bit in losing weight.




Most people are convinced that eating less and moving more will help them lose weight over a period of time.

Body fat is nothing but energy stored by your body. And to lose that fat, you need to burn more calories than you consume in a day. This is precisely why people think that “eat less, move more” is going to help them shed weight.

While that is true in theory, especially if you are planning on making it a lifestyle change, it can be extremely harmful to your health if you have serious weight issues.

In fact, most people who do follow this advice end up regaining that weight (and more) because of biochemical and physiological factors that influence body weight.

Losing weight isn’t just about eating less and moving more. One needs to make major and comprehensive changes in their perspective in order to lose weight with proper exercise and diet.

Telling someone to just reduce their food intake and move a little more is like asking an alcoholic to drink less.


Asking people to cut their food intake and move more is simply an ineffective method that doesn’t work and instead, can cause major health issues in the long run.

And the best ones often help you lose weight over a long period, instead of claiming that they can get you shredded in just six weeks.


Most supplements you see on the market are not worth your time or money. The ones that do work aren’t that great either, and can only help a little bit in losing weight.



Wednesday, December 2, 2020

HEALTH AND FITNESS : UK is first country to approve COVID-19 vaccine


The United Kingdom has become the first country on earth to approve a vaccine for COVID-19.

The UK just approved Pfizer/BioNTech coronavirus jab for general use from next week.

Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency of the Department of Health said the vaccine offers up to 95 percent protection against the pandemic.

Britain has ordered 40 million doses and immunisations will start within days for those in the first line of priority.

Health Secretary, Matt Hancock expressed excitement about the approval.

“Help is on its way. The NHS stands ready to start vaccinating early next week”, Hancock tweeted.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

HEALTH AND FITNESS : 20 Nutrient Dense Foods


20 Nutrient Dense Foods

The easiest way to decrease your calories and increase your nutrition intake is by choosing more nutrient dense foods. These are the foods that have the most nutrition per calorie, compared to other options that may be higher in empty calories, added fat, and sugar. 

Many of the most nutritious low-calorie foods you can find tend to be non-starchy vegetables - this includes nearly all veggies, except peas, corn, potatoes, and winter squash. Other great sources of nutrient-dense foods include whole grains, fruits, and lean proteins.

The best nutrient dense foods to stack your plate with include:

1. Arugula

Arugula has only 20 calories for every 2 cups (85g). 

And it’s a good source of calcium and an excellent source of vitamin C, folate, and vitamin A. 

2. Asparagus

Four spears of asparagus contain only 17 calories. 

Plus it's a source of iron and folate, and is high in vitamin K. 

3. Bell Peppers

One-half cup of bell pepper is 26 calories and provides vitamin A, along with twice the daily value of vitamin C. 

4. Bok Choy

Each cup of bok choy is only 10 calories, along with folate, vitamin A, and high amounts of vitamin K. 

5. Broccoli

With only 30 calories per cup, broccoli provides a good source of folate, 100% of the daily value for vitamin C, and 75% of your vitamin K needs. 

6. Brussels Sprouts

One cup of Brussels sprouts has 40 calories, and is a source of fiber, folate, vitamin C and vitamin K.

7. Carrots

A cup of carrots is 45 calories, and packed with vitamin A, along with fiber and vitamin C. 

8. Collard Greens

For only 25 calories, 2 cups of collards provides fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, and folate. 

9. Greek Yogurt

A 5oz standard serving of Greek yogurt is about 110 calories and packs high amounts of protein, riboflavin, phosphorus, along with calcium and vitamin B12. 

For only 25 calories, 2 cups of collards provides fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, and folate. 

10. Edamame 

A cup of edamame provides 110 calories, fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc! Plus it's an excellent source of plant based protein and copper. 

11. Eggs

For only 70 calories, a single egg will get you protein, iodine, riboflavin, vitamin D, and high amounts of selenium, choline, vitamin B12, and vitamin A. 

12. Kale

A known “superfood” , two cups of kale has fiber, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin A for only 50 calories. 

13. Oats

Start your day with fiber, iron, protein, vitamin B6, folate, and thiamine for only 150 calories (in a ½ standard cup serving). 

14. Oysters

A lesser known nutrition powerhouse, for only 40 calories, a mere two oysters provides protein, choline, iron, and selenium, plus 270% of your daily copper, 300% of vitamin B12 needs, and 300% of the daily value for zinc. 

15. Pumpkin

A small ½ cup serving of pumpkin has 50 calories, fiber, iron, vitamin E, and 100% of your vitamin A needs. 

16. Salmon

Salmon has much more than omega-3 fatty acids.

A three ounce serving provides 150 calories, a good source of potassium, high amounts of protein, vitamin D, selenium, vitamin B12, and small amounts of vitamin A, 

17. Seaweed

A cup of raw seaweed is only 30 calories, and packs a good source of iron, magnesium, vitamin C, riboflavin, vitamin K, and high amounts of folate and iodine.

18. Spinach

A whopping two cups of spinach is only 10 calories, and provides a ton of nutrients including iron, magnesium, folate, vitamin A, and vitamin K. 

19. Swiss Chard

Like other leafy greens, 2 cups of Swiss chard is low calorie (15 calories) and provides a good source of key nutrients like magnesium, vitamin E, and high amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A.

20. Sweet Potatoes

A medium sized orange sweet potato will get you fiber, potassium, and a ton of vitamin A for only 100 calories. 

HEALTH AND FITNESS : 7 Best Foods to Eat for Weight Loss


Eating more of these foods can help you slim down.While no one food is a magic bullet for weight loss, there are certain foods that can help you achieve your weight-loss goals. Most of the foods included as part of a weight-loss diet have a few things in common: they're high in fiber (which helps keep you feeling fuller longer) and have a low energy density-meaning that you can eat a decent-sized portion without overdoing it on calories. Include the following weight-loss foods as part of a healthy overall diet, and you may find it's easier to achieve your weight-loss goals.

Don't Miss: 1,500-Calorie Meal Plan for Weight Loss

1. Avocados

Recipe to Try: Hasselback Tex-Mex Avocados

Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, dietary fiber, potassium and phytochemicals. People who eat avocados tend to have lower BMI, body weight and waist circumference than people who skip this green superfood, per a study in Nutrition Journal. While avocados are higher in calories than other fruits and vegetables, their satisfying fat and fiber combo may help you slim down. Add some to your salad, sandwich or taco night for a burst of creaminess and flavor.

2. Eggs

Recipe to Try: Muffin-Tin Quiches with Smoked Cheddar & Potato

Eggs are rich in high-quality protein, fats and essential nutrients, like vitamin D and choline. It's the protein, and the time of day we tend to eat them, that especially makes them a powerhouse for weight loss. Eating a high-protein breakfast promotes weight loss, because protein increases satiety while regulating hunger and appetite hormones, helping fend off your hunger until lunchtime. One study found that eating eggs for breakfast left people feeling more satisfied than those who had bagels-which helped them eat less throughout the day.

3. Beans

Recipe to Try: Better Three-Bean Salad

All beans are high in fiber, which is your friend when you're trying to lose weight because it helps you feel fuller longer, thus controlling hunger. Eating beans and legumes has also been linked with various other health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, reducing LDL cholesterol and reducing risk of cardiovascular disease. Beans are fairly low in calories and deliver protein as well. Try them in homemade veggie burgers, soups and salads.

4. Yogurt

Recipe to Try: Raspberry Yogurt Cereal Bowl

Yogurt is protein-packed and full of probiotics, which are good for gut health and may help your weight-loss efforts. Your gut health can impact your weight, and eating more fiber and probiotics helps keep your gut bacteria happy, which can be good for your metabolism (read more about your gut-weight connection). Go Greek for more protein; plus, research from Appetite found that consumption of Greek yogurt was associated with reduced appetite and increased satiety. Just keep an eye on added sugars in flavored yogurts, which only add calories. Instead, use fresh fruit to sweeten plain yogurt.

5. Salmon

Recipe to Try: Garlic Roasted Salmon & Brussels Sprouts

Salmon is a rich source of high-quality protein and provides plenty of "good" fats: omega-3 fatty acids. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids helped people feel more satisfied when they were watching their calories, per a study in Appetite. Eating salmon can be a delicious and versatile way to get your recommended two weekly servings of heart-healthy fish.

6. Fruit

Recipe to Try: Fresh Fruit Salad

Fruit gets a bad rap sometimes because it naturally contains sugar. But eating fruit can help you lose weight, especially when you swap in fresh fruit for processed foods or other unhealthy snacks. You'll get a naturally sweet treat, plus reap the benefits of fiber and antioxidants. A recent study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that higher fruit consumption was associated with lower risk of becoming overweight or obese, independent of vegetable or fiber intake-though including fruit as part of a healthy diet overall is always the best strategy.

7. Popcorn

HEALTH AND FITNESS : 33 Supercharged Kitchen Staples That'll Help You Lose Belly Fat


Add these foods to your grocery list to help hit your weight-loss goals. 

If you've been working hard to lose weight and find that the scale hasn't budged just yet, it may be time to take a second look at the ingredients you're routinely stocking in your kitchen.

 Heavily processed foods can make it difficult to maintain steady weight loss, 

but some of the best foods to help you lose weight are those high in fiber

which many are surprised to learn is a form of a carbohydrate. Fibrous foods are often naturally lower in calories, help keep you satiated after a meal and also regulate blood sugar levels.

 Research suggests that the more dietary fiber that one incorporates into their daily routine, the more they're able to work against "abdominal fat depots."

Even if you adopt a strict high-fiber diet, it's crucial to understand that

there's not a single ingredient or beverage you can consume to make you lose belly fat all on its own. 

You'll lose weight (and reduce body fat naturally) by adopting a wholesome diet, alongside moderate exercise.

 Eliminating processed foods high in sodium and other sugary items is important, as is staying routinely hydrated to aid digestion and fast-track your weight loss efforts overall (you certainly don't want to bloat!). 

When it comes to healthy eating and weight loss, these powerful foods loved by registered dietitians have your back.

Peanut butter packs 8 grams of protein and up to 4 grams of fiber per serving, making it an ideal snack to help you fill up and stay satisfied (particularly in stabilizing a glycemic load). Just make sure that you're taking a
 look at the ingredients label, which should only include peanuts and salt 
(maybe a little bit of oil, but no high fructose corn syrup or additives necessary!). A published review of research in the Journal of Food Science and Technology highlights the fact that peanut butter can help people feel more satisfied compared to other snacks.

They're filled with fiber and plant-based protein,

 as well as immune-boosting antioxidants and bloat-busting minerals. Chickpeas easily go in soups, stews, salads, and side dishes. Plus, chickpea flour is a great baking alternative for a more nutrient-dense and filling end result.

 10 Best Plant-Based Flour Substitutes That Every Baker Should Try

With more fiber than quinoa and more potassium than a banana, pumpkin puree is one of your best bets for snacking and cooking purposes. 

Try this the next time you're craving sweets: add pureed pumpkin to unsweetened Greek yogurt with cinnamon and chopped pears for a nutritious dessert.

 43 Easy Pumpkin Recipes to Make All Year Long

A cup of peas packs 8 grams of protein

 and tons of key bloat-reducing nutrients. It's got nearly all of what you need daily for vitamin C, plus magnesium, potassium, and iron — all of which aid in counterbalancing sodium and bringing oxygen to blood cells.

It doesn't get any better than the healthy fats in this fish when it comes to hearty protein, alongside salmon and sardines. They're

 filled with omega-3s and lean protein

helping you fill up at meal time and dodge sneaky snack attacks later in the day or night.


polyunsaturated fatty acids plus minerals

 in salmon make it an ideal dinner choice. The vitamin D found in each fillet has been previously linked in research illustrating that it may assist in weight management in overweight individuals. 

You'll also get 25% of your daily vitamin B6, which can help with mood and stress regulation.

Believe it or not, 

air-fried potatoes (yes, really!) are an excellent source of potassium,

 which can help manage bloating and counterbalance sodium. They're high in fiber as well, meaning potatoes can be a nutrient-dense food — just as long as they're not served the french-fry way.

Pumpkin seeds provide tons of immune-boosting zinc, but more importantly, are a 

significant source of fiber 

(quite a filling snack!). With about 7 grams of protein per snack-sized serving, pepitas are a great addition to most diets.

Fermented foods like miso, tempeh, and sauerkraut contain probiotics, a.k.a. friendly bacteria that help boost immunity, regulate gut function, and banish bloat.

 Unsweetened plain Greek yogurt can provide probiotic benefits too.

 Choose ones that have five strains or more of bacterial cultures per 6-ounce serving.

Like yogurt, kefir is a cultured diary byproduct, but it's more of a creamy, delightful drink that has a smoothie consistency. It's full of probiotics to help regulate a healthy gut, and 

can be a particularly smart choice if you feel bloated,

 as constipation can play a huge role there. It's also very high in protein naturally, so try adding a splash to your morning smoothie.

It's polarizing in many households, but sauerkraut may be the first fermented food you ever encountered — and it should have a space among other condiments in your pantry. Because it's fermented, there are probiotic benefits associated with sauerkraut; mostly, like other vegetables, it's

 low in calories but high in fiber.

 Try adding it to a salad or a sandwich, stat!

Probiotics introduce useful bacterial to your system, but the prebiotics in oats feed the good bacteria already living there, helping it proliferate. Plus, there's a hefty punch of dietary fiber in oatmeal, a common oats item:

 Just a half cup has 4 grams, helping you stay full until lunchtime.

Almonds, peanuts, walnuts, pistachios — at GH,

 we're nuts about nuts!

 Almonds in particular are a strong source of protein, and various research has linked an increase in almond consumption to a decrease in LDL cholesterol (the "bad" kind). Particularly, though,

 regularly snacking on almonds has been linked to greater weight loss 

due to its effect on supercharging metabolisms, per the Journal of Research in Medical Sciences.

Another nutty superstar, walnuts are rich in monounsaturated fats — they're an extremely heart-healthy snack compared to other grab-and-go items like chips or pretzels. Previous research has established that walnuts, in particular,

 help to curb cravings

that you may have experienced in between meals in the past.

Have you ever wondered why pistachios are sometimes sold in their shells? Believe it or not, pistachios are a prime example of a wholesome snack that may end up causing you to slow down and focus on what you're eating due to their shells. Research published in the journal Appetite found that the

 process of shelling pistachios signaled dieters to slow down 

— the shells themselves served as a reminder of how much they had already


Blueberries are indeed full of fiber (4 grams in one cup) but also hold a significant amount of antioxidants in a juicy bite-sized treat. 

Blueberries contain less sugar than most other fruits,

 too — they're a satisfying, sweet, healthy choice at snack time or for dessert.

Compared to other berries, 

raspberries have especially high fiber counts

They're a great addition to an already balanced breakfast, whether it's cereal, oatmeal, yogurt, or even a quick smoothie (making it feel so much more substantial!).

Plant-based oils like extra-virgin olive oil create that "full" feeling and help you slim down overall.

 Extra-virgin olive oils also work to reduce inflammation due to antioxidants, particularly oleocanthal, which has been touted to have similar effects on the body as ibuprofen when consumed regularly.

 Skip battered foods deep-fried in oil, though! Fried snacks are associated with weight gain, so you're better off enjoying them only once in awhile.

Some research indicates eggs, which 

are low in calories and are rich in other dietary nutrients

, may aid in weight loss over time. High-protein breakfasts, including omelets and veggie-forward skillet scrambles, can be quite satiating throughout the day; but even a hard-boiled egg atop a salad at lunch can also keep you full until dinner.

Beans are a staple of many vegetarian dishes because they're 

packed with plant-based proteins

as well as minerals and some B-vitamins. They're also a significant source of soluble fiber, which will help your body take longer to process a meal that's bean-based, helping you to consumer fewer calories throughout the day.

These little protein-filled bites of plant-based goodness make for excellent soup bases or salad additions to make a meal feel so much more substantial.

 The fiber and resistant starch within lentils can help you consume fewer calories between meals.

HEALTH AND FITNESS : How to Lose Weight Fast: 3 Simple Steps, Based on Science

 If your doctor recommends it, there are ways to lose weight safely. A steady weight loss of 1 to 2 pounds per week is recommended for the most effective long-term weight management.

That said, many eating plans leave you feeling hungry or unsatisfied. These are major reasons why you might find it hard to stick to a healthier eating plan.

However, not all diets have this effect. Low carb diets and whole food, lower calorie diets are effective for weight loss and may be easier to stick to than other diets.

Here are some ways to lose weight that employ healthy eating, potentially lower carbs, and that aim to:

  • reduce your appetite
  • cause fast weight loss
  • improve your metabolic health at the same time

One way to lose weight quickly is to cut back on sugars and starches, or carbohydrates. This could be with a low carb eating plan or by reducing refined carbs and replacing them with whole grains.

When you do that, your hunger levels go down, and you generally end up eating fewer calories

With a low carb eating plan, you’ll utilize burning stored fat for energy instead of carbs.

If you choose to eat more complex carbs like whole grains along with a calorie deficit, you’ll benefit from higher fiber and digest them more slowly. This makes them more filling to keep you satisfied.

A 2020 study confirmed that a very low carbohydrate diet was beneficial for losing weight in older populations 

Research also suggests that a low carb diet can reduce appetite, which may lead to eating fewer calories without thinking about it or feeling hungry 

Note that the long-term effects of a low carb diet are still being researched. It can also be difficult to adhere to a low carb diet, which may lead to yo-yo dieting and less success in maintaining a healthy weight.

There are potential downsides to a low carb diet that may lead you to a different method. Reduced calorie diets can also lead to weight loss and be easier to maintain for longer periods of time.

If you opt for a diet focusing instead on whole grains over refined carbs, a 2019 study correlated high whole grain with lower body mass index (BMI) 

To determine the best way for you to lose weight, consult your doctor for recommendations.


Reducing sugars and starches, or carbs, from your diet can help curb your appetite, lower your insulin levels, and make you lose weight.

But the long-term effects of a low carb diet are not yet known. A reduced calorie diet could be more sustainable.

2. Eat protein, fat, and vegetables

Each one of your meals should include:

  • a protein source
  • fat source
  • vegetables
  • a small portion of complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains

To see how you can assemble your meals, check out:

  • this low carb meal plan
  • this lower calorie meal plan
  • these lists of 101 healthy low carb recipes and low calorie foods


Eating a recommended amount of protein is essential to help preserve your health and muscle mass while losing weight 

Evidence suggests that eating adequate protein may improve cardiometabolic risk factors, appetite, and body weight, 

Here’s how to determine how much you need to eat without eating too much. Many factors determine your specific needs, but generally, an average person needs 

  • 56–91 grams per day for the average male
  • 46–75 grams per day for the average female

Diets with adequate protein can also help:

  • reduce cravings and obsessive thoughts about food by 60%
  • reduce the desire to snack late at night by half
  • make you feel full

In one study, people on a higher protein diet ate 441 fewer calories per day 

Healthy protein sources include:

  • meat: beef, chicken, pork, and lamb
  • fish and seafood: salmon, trout, and shrimp
  • eggs: whole eggs with the yolk
  • plant-based proteins: beans, legumes, quinoa, tempeh, and tofu

Low carb and leafy green vegetables

Don’t be afraid to load your plate with leafy green vegetables. They’re packed with nutrients, and you can eat very large amounts without greatly increasing calories and carbs.

Vegetables to include for low carb or low calorie eating plans:

  • broccoli
  • cauliflower
  • spinach
  • tomatoes
  • kale
  • Brussels sprouts
  • cabbage
  • Swiss chard
  • lettuce
  • cucumber

Healthy fats

Don’t be afraid of eating fats.

Your body still requires healthy fats no matter what eating plan you choose. Olive oil and avocado oil are great choices for including in your eating plan.

Other fats such as butter and coconut oil should be used only in moderation due to their higher saturated fat content


Assemble each meal out of a protein source, healthy fat source, complex carb, and vegetables.

Leafy green vegetables are a great way to bulk up a meal with low calories and lots of nutrients.

 3. Move your body

Exercise, while not required to lose weight, can help you lose weight more quickly. Lifting weights has particularly good benefits.

By lifting weights, you’ll burn lots of calories and prevent your metabolism from slowing down, which is a common side effect of losing weight 

Try going to the gym three to four times a week to lift weights. If you’re new to the gym, ask a trainer for some advice. Make sure your doctor is also aware of any new exercise plans.

If lifting weights is not an option for you, doing some cardio workouts such as walking, jogging, running, cycling, or swimming is very beneficial for weight loss and general health.

Both cardio and weightlifting can help with weight loss.


Resistance training, such as weightlifting, is a great option for losing weight. If that’s not possible, cardio workouts are also effective.

Choose what’s sustainable for you.

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