20 Nutrient Dense Foods
The easiest way to decrease your calories and increase your nutrition intake is by choosing more nutrient dense foods. These are the foods that have the most nutrition per calorie, compared to other options that may be higher in empty calories, added fat, and sugar.
Many of the most nutritious low-calorie foods you can find tend to be non-starchy vegetables - this includes nearly all veggies, except peas, corn, potatoes, and winter squash. Other great sources of nutrient-dense foods include whole grains, fruits, and lean proteins.
The best nutrient dense foods to stack your plate with include:
1. Arugula
Arugula has only 20 calories for every 2 cups (85g).
And it’s a good source of calcium and an excellent source of vitamin C, folate, and vitamin A.
2. Asparagus
Four spears of asparagus contain only 17 calories.
Plus it's a source of iron and folate, and is high in vitamin K.
3. Bell Peppers
One-half cup of bell pepper is 26 calories and provides vitamin A, along with twice the daily value of vitamin C.
4. Bok Choy
Each cup of bok choy is only 10 calories, along with folate, vitamin A, and high amounts of vitamin K.
5. Broccoli
With only 30 calories per cup, broccoli provides a good source of folate, 100% of the daily value for vitamin C, and 75% of your vitamin K needs.
6. Brussels Sprouts
One cup of Brussels sprouts has 40 calories, and is a source of fiber, folate, vitamin C and vitamin K.
7. Carrots
A cup of carrots is 45 calories, and packed with vitamin A, along with fiber and vitamin C.
8. Collard Greens
For only 25 calories, 2 cups of collards provides fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, and folate.
9. Greek Yogurt
A 5oz standard serving of Greek yogurt is about 110 calories and packs high amounts of protein, riboflavin, phosphorus, along with calcium and vitamin B12.
For only 25 calories, 2 cups of collards provides fiber, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, and folate.
10. Edamame
A cup of edamame provides 110 calories, fiber, iron, magnesium, potassium, and zinc! Plus it's an excellent source of plant based protein and copper.
11. Eggs
For only 70 calories, a single egg will get you protein, iodine, riboflavin, vitamin D, and high amounts of selenium, choline, vitamin B12, and vitamin A.
12. Kale
A known “superfood” , two cups of kale has fiber, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin K, and vitamin A for only 50 calories.
13. Oats
Start your day with fiber, iron, protein, vitamin B6, folate, and thiamine for only 150 calories (in a ½ standard cup serving).
14. Oysters
A lesser known nutrition powerhouse, for only 40 calories, a mere two oysters provides protein, choline, iron, and selenium, plus 270% of your daily copper, 300% of vitamin B12 needs, and 300% of the daily value for zinc.
15. Pumpkin
A small ½ cup serving of pumpkin has 50 calories, fiber, iron, vitamin E, and 100% of your vitamin A needs.
16. Salmon
Salmon has much more than omega-3 fatty acids.
A three ounce serving provides 150 calories, a good source of potassium, high amounts of protein, vitamin D, selenium, vitamin B12, and small amounts of vitamin A,
17. Seaweed
A cup of raw seaweed is only 30 calories, and packs a good source of iron, magnesium, vitamin C, riboflavin, vitamin K, and high amounts of folate and iodine.
18. Spinach
A whopping two cups of spinach is only 10 calories, and provides a ton of nutrients including iron, magnesium, folate, vitamin A, and vitamin K.
19. Swiss Chard
Like other leafy greens, 2 cups of Swiss chard is low calorie (15 calories) and provides a good source of key nutrients like magnesium, vitamin E, and high amounts of vitamin C and vitamin A.
20. Sweet Potatoes
A medium sized orange sweet potato will get you fiber, potassium, and a ton of vitamin A for only 100 calories.
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